
Hotel Atmosphere

October 5, 2011
"When the hotel room is old and it smells, is that 'atmosphere'?
Teach If You Know It

September 29, 2011
"Those who can teach, should. Those who can't, should sit down and stop embarrassing themselves.
Back when 300 baud dial-up was new – yeah, that’s a long time ago, all right – we had a “guest” login to a mainframe where a friend worked.
Lots of Zeroes

August 28, 2011
"Ignorance is like the digit 0. You can fill your head with 'em, but you still know nothing.

August 24, 2011
"So goes your grits, so goes your day." Fast Eddie
Change the Towel

August 17, 2011
"When the towel you're about to use _after_ the shower smells like you did _before_ the shower, it's time for a new towel.
Shiney brass makes for more Xs. It works like this. A shiney piece of brass will press a smoother surface onto the sides of the bullet.
Surrogate Shooting

October 23, 2005
A Bullseye-L email list member wrote: "It is an absolutely perfect sunny Saturday here in Northern California.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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